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Click! ........ Kitty~kitty//bang~bang!!!

Drip, Drip, Drip...

A point in every direction is the same as having no point at all!


...I get more support from my bra!

..."if yer drumset wasn't set up already, you'd still be settin' it up..." {courtesy of HIGGINS} underwear are up my ass again :(

Who pissed in yer Cheerios this morning? ~ yeah, u lady at St. Vinney's!

ummm..... there are no raingutters?

Don't touch me u...u big stupid drink!

Anybody got a square to spare????

Nobody opens stupid fwd:'s quit sendin' me them!

Kick Her When She's Down!

I'm gonna "brain" you!!!!

The Cabit is in cahoots with the Fidler and the Girt in the toolies.

i'muna, i'muna, i'muna........

I hate it when the pop fizzes in my throat!!

before ya know it, tomorrow is today and then all of a sudden it's already yesterday......

Reno911...BABY!..funniest show I ever have seen {comedy central}

Love those Orbit commercials....*

Everybody should be single...

It's true that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. But what they don't tell you is that every time you hear a mouse trap snap, and Angel gets set on fire.

Silence is GOLDEN

I hate it when juice wears tights......

Where is the F***'n hammer?


Adam and Eve prob'ly didn't have a belly-button........

If Wednesday is hump-day.... is Thursday humped-day????

"If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my Uncle!"

I need a Budlite!!

where did I leave my shoes and why is my shirt on inside out?


Shannon? u like my hat?....Shannon?


but....then where does the olive fit in???


"Love is Grand.....Divorce is a Hundred Grand Plu$!!"

Possibly, the saddest thing you could ever see, is a mosquito sucking on a Mummy...........   Forget it little friend.

"Don't shit in my hand and tell me it's a Brownie!!"

Heaven in a Bun??

Aint it the Truth!?!

Red, White, & Blue!
