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Say KITTY!!!!

Here you'll get to take a little looksie @ Broken Kitty...from our first band and one and only gig, until now with everyone that's joined to share their "assets" with us! { "assets":one of those words that just sounds funny! }

Benefit in Florence, Wisconsin..July 19th, 2003.

Broken Kitty

Shannon and Billie Jo..cocktails in hand...waiting to go on stage for the first time. {also I just want to thank-you with all of my heart, Wayne, wherever you may be right now...if it wasn't for your everso  charismatic way you had about you, I never, we {Billie and I} would never have spent so much time sharing our thoughts our hopes and our dreams with you and if you wouldn't have pushed for us playin' out at Janies only not even two months from the very first time you asked me if I could hold a beat with the bass and if Billie could hold a tune for backups, I wish you could see her now.... but I'm sure your're with us, I hear you when we play your songs once in awhile.  sweet dreams and I know we'll meet again someday.} *More pics from this soon to come.

Just before NAME's 1st gig @ Janies Feb16, 2003


                            Benefit in Florence, Wis {summer 2003}

I want u........

Doin' what he does....

Ya think they had a few toe many???

I like yer hat, Brian!

Our Billie....

Dude... where's my car?

JDe & Shannon....

Don't spill the beer!!!

                          The Whuh Bar....August, 2003

Whuh!...who are these goofs???


Sing it!!!!!!!!!

Shannon & Double "B"

Billie, Brian & Shannon


JDe and Cammo~man

Who says bro's & sis's can't play nice together?

I'll have a nice cool Brett...spank~you :)

Didn't mom tellya not to hold yer stickin public?

