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This page is under HEAVY construction, due to long days, and lack of thinking.  Thank you for your patience.   T.T.

Us with Ted and Shemane at a book signing in Rapid River....very down to Earth awesome people!

I love TED!!!!!

In these pics, we were chattin' and I have to say I've just started reading Shemane's book, Married to a Rockstar and it is an awesome read so far.....they are quite a unique pair and do a lot for kids and for seeing that our amendment rights are kept intact..... KEEP ON A ROCKIN' U's TWO!!!!

T & S signin' my flag......

click to get Shemane's book....

Kamp Kitty Travels to Cornell, MI..... 

what r these two up to?????

What do ya think these "toe" are up to????

Rockabilly of "RattleBack"

RockaBilly, Amber and Molly @ Kamp Kitty
"Sweet Deal"
Northern Lights Music Festival, 2003

We had a great time in Cornell, listened to some kick ass bands, and scored a bunch of cool memorabilia.