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Here we'll be giving our opinions of some of the concerts and shows we've attended....

Feel free to comment about anything from music to the size of your penis on the Meow-Board!!


Def Lep.... freezin' rain, no defrosters, no wipers, ugh!!! So start our Rock & Roll adventures for 2003!!!!   Well, one of our friends snagged some tickets and asked us to go we went to Green Bay!!! The opening act was some Dublin dude... needless to say, he sucked..sorry, I just expected way more for an opener....but, all in all Def Leppard wasnt' too bad... I give them a "six 1/2"..the highlite was "untagleebinglobbinglobin"...nuff said. 

Well, Billie and I started off our adventures this spring/summer with Joan Jett at the Casino.... she kicks ass!
We also went to see America there.... for some old dudes, they rocked the house!!! I don't care if yer not supposed to stand up, fuck that man..... when they did Sister Golden Hair it was on!!!! ...and Ponch thanx for the kick ass seats, dude!

Swamp Bash 2003 in Stephenson..... well that's exactly what it was, a hell of a bash in the frickin mud! But, we had a great time, camping, met awesome peeps, kick ass rock and roll...Road Head and Schytzophonic put on an excellent show..... lots and lots and lots of beer, yummy!  ...and this was "the" first outing in Kamp Kitty....even tho it was cold and rainin' my first night in there was nice n' warm :)

Cornell... truely was a blast! There were a few good bands.  Our band buds Guilty Pleasures played and kicked ass! Camping rocked... weather was awesome and it's always great to sit around the campfire with an accoustic, cold brews and good friends!

September 6th, 2003!!! Amazing.... words cannot describe.... I've always wanted to see Kiss, mainly Gene liftin' his legs up and down at the sides with them kickass boots on and watch him playin' his bass and movin' his head back and forth with that shit-eatin' grin on his face! You can sooooo tell he loves what he's doin.  Anyways,  a couple of real cool dudes { Eddy #5 & Bob..*thanx guys} offered to take us {Billie and I}so we figured, of course, WHAT THE HELL? .... and off we went to Alpine Valley on a Rock and Roll adventure!  Needless to say,  the place is totally amazing!!!!  It's all on a hugemongous hill and at the bottom is the way coolest stage..... I've never seen anything like it! KISS's setup was so amazing...the lights, the flames, the big ass "booms",  almost passed out when they started I Want YOU, at one moment I think I saw the most amazing thing when I looked back at the crowd goin up the hill and about 10, 000 lighters were lit...looked like the clearest starry night....and and of course we can't leave Paul out :) { shake that ass baby!} Peter looked a little tired but did Beth awesome of course.... and I can't quite say anything about the new geetar player dude that is taking my Space Ace's spot, kinda hits a nerve, I really, really, really, wanted to see Ace..."sigh" but alas, life is complete!  Also, I just have to mention that Saliva opened, and was really awesome,  they did Rust in Pieces most beautifully........ and Aerosmith was the bomb! The lighting was perfect......  and at the end they shot up a whole bunch of confetti stuff and it looked like blue and pink and purple snow! Stevie u Rock! ...and yer pants weren't half bad either!

Click this link, and check out the Mystical will blow your mind!

September 12th.... Ted Nugent & ZZ "frickin" Top!!!  Well, we weren't plannin' on goin' to this one....but "sper of the moment" stuff is always the best!! Gotta call from a buddy of ours {Ponch~spanku} & was given a few, off we went to Green Bay {heaven for a Pack fan :)} Billie, me and Mandrew.... it was pouring rain all the way down, so we missed the opening... but when we entered the spirit of Rock & Roll was truely amung us!!! Ted was totally awesome.... He even had a big lifesize figure of Sadam and shot him with his bow & arrow... dead kill first shot! But, who could expect anything less of the Whack-masta! Intermission we went out and had a smoke...along with half of the whole center and somebody grabbed my ass and stole my smokes all in one shot! Bastard...u know who u are! Anyways, after that we went back in and ZZ Top came on.....I speak for myself when I say "Had the best damn seats in the house for that one!" ...for some reason that Little 'ol band from Texas made me want to take up bullridin' for there set! ...nuff said :o For some really old dudes they way rocked but why no spinnin' geetars???? *unless I missed that part....afterwards got to party for a bit in the parking lot with some really totally awesome dudes.... you know who you are! "SUP"????
